USP Labs Jack3D Raspberry Lemonade 250 g Pre Work out Powder

USP Labs Jack3D Raspberry Lemonade 250 g Pre Work out Powder

Product Feature :

Product Features

  • Gives massive muscle pumps in the gym

  • Improves muscle fullness and strength

  • Enhances recovery from exercise

  • Improves mood and concentration

  • Boosts metabolism

Product Description :
Like having tons of energy, strength, stamina and endurance for your workouts? Who doesn't? There's nothing like the right combination of compounds taken pre-workout to deliver consistently mind-blowing workouts to help you achieve your goals. After all, if your workouts suck, you can all but forget about making killer progress anytime soon. USPLabs Jack3d gives you the mad aggressive desire and ability to lift more weight, pump out more reps and have crazy lasting energy, along with sick muscle-engorging pumps. The amount of energy and focus is perfect, pumps and vascularity will be out of control, but most importantly you will feel great throughout your entire workout. No crash, no bloat, no blow workouts. Geranium (1,3-Dimethylamylamine or Methylhexamine) This plant contains a powerful compound. It promotes sympathomimetic effects in the body, supporting Central Nervous System (CNS) stimulation, allowing for improved strength output, focus, alertness and mood. Side benefits may include fat loss due to potential appetite suppression, as well as through increased work capacity and the possibility of increased norepinephrine release. Schizandrol A Schizadra increases physical force. In essence, it is able to provide a stimulating effect to the body and mind. Methylxanthines (Caffeine) Both of these compounds belong to the family of methylxanthine compounds. They are both able to stimulate the CNS, while also stimulating contractility of skeletal muscle directly and this may partially be due to the release of catecholamines such as norepinephrine. Caffeine also has the benefit of fighting fatigue and drowsiness; enhancing the flow of thoughts; increasing alertness and improving intellectual efforts along with producing euphoria or a sense of well-being in some cases. Just as these methylxanthines can increase the effectiveness of compounds, it is thought that it may do the same for the unique compound found in Geranium. Beta-Alanine Carnosine is an extremely important dipeptide that is generally present in rather high concentrations in skeletal muscle, though it is also found in nervous tissue and other excitable tissues as well. It is so important because it acts as a buffer of sorts, preventing the increase of acidity or Hydrogen ion accumulation in skeletal muscle; something which is thought to contribute to the fatiguing of muscles. Furthermore, by increasing carnosine levels, power output may be increased as well. In short, you are able to improve your power output, while also delaying fatigue; you can lift more explosively and for longer periods. Creatine Monohydrate While carnosine may negate the increase in Hydrogen ion levels in skeletal muscle, one more obstacle must be overcome in order to prevent fatigue while working out. In this case, a compound which can ultimately increase the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels in muscle. ATP, as is well-known, is a high energy nucleotide which acts as the major energy carrying molecule in the body. Consequently, muscle fatigue is also related to energy loss in skeletal muscle, specifically, ATP being converted to adenosine diphosphate (ADP). In effect, one phosphate group is lost and must be replenished in order for the muscle cell to continue on working. By supplementing with creatine, the levels of phosphocreatine are increased in muscle. Phosphocreatine is a high energy buffering compound which is able to donate a phosphate group to ADP, allowing the formation of ATP once again. In short, this prevents or reduces fatigue from occurring by increasing phosphocreatine levels, which in turn will allow for the regeneration of ATP from ADP leading to greatly reduced physical and muscular exhaustion.

Jack3d has just been awarded two "Best Of" awards for "Best Pre-Workout" & "Best Energy Supplement." These awards are considered the "Holy Grail" of supplement awards because they are voted 100% by the customer. Jack3d is THE original University Studied Ultra-Concentrated Pre-Workout... That's right, Jack3d is now backed by multiple University studies, including double-blind, placebo-controlled research. Of course, Jack3d has already been "put to the test" by lifters all around the globe... Needless to say, if you want the best, look no further than Jack3d - proven in the real world & in the lab... NOTHING delivers consistent workout domination for such a great price - NOTHING! In addition to allowing you to dominate the weight room with a perfectly-executed matrix of energy-spawning, muscle-engorging compounds only found in Jack3d, it's also considered top notch for what it doesn't contain... Many pre-workouts on the market contain loads of the following: ?Maltodextrin - This has a Glycemic Index rating higher than straight sugar - yuck! ?Artificial flavors & colors ?High doses of magnesium that have you running for the porcelain throne. Jack3d is the perfect blend of what you need without being loaded with what you don't! Let's face it, THE Best is THE Best - it simply doesn't get any better... ...And since this incredible honor has been bestowed on us by you, we take it very seriously. You have our full committment to continuing to deliver THE best products to help build the body of your dreams... From Day 1, USPlabs has been focused on YOU - delivering cutting edge products that allow you to kick ass & take names... How Does It Taste? In a word...AMAZING! Sure, you'll hear that from most companies, yet virtually all of the pre-workout drinks on the market are, at best, tolerable. And, let's be honest, most taste like crap...

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